
Katlanovska spa is a modern spa center that disposes with big swimming pool with thermo-mineral water, private swimming pool with thermo-mineral water, private tubs with thermo-mineral water, finish sauna, oxygen spa capsule.

In the spa center we perform relax body massages, hand lymphatic drainage, royal massage, medical massage, peeling with katlanovska spa minerals and different body and face treatments with professional high-quality cosmetics. Thermo-mineral water, by its structure, is a true world rarity. It contains high percentage of minerals and it is one of the most healing waters of the Balkans, Europe and the World.

Throughout the centuries the miraculous water in Katlanovo has strengthened the health and beauty of the Roman patricians, the Byzantine emperors and the Turkish pashas. Based on that tradition we have founded the new Katlanovo Spa: a modern spa and wellness center. Leave the city for a few hours. Forget about the obligations and stress of the everyday life. Discover your peace once again free from the urban chaos. Visit us to feel relaxed and restore your health and beauty. Enjoy the cutting edge treatments offered to you by the Katlanovo Spa. You deserve a royal treatment.


Katlanovska Spa
Katlanovo, 1000 Skopje,
Republic of North Macedonia

Spa Center : 02 2581002 / 076298092
Fax: 02 25 81 032
E-mail: contact@katlanovskaspa.com